Peony Petal Jam


Peony petal jam

it tastes incredible on some vanilla ice cream


Ingredient list

  • 4 cups peony petals

  • 5 cups boiling water

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 1 package of pectin

  • 3 cups sugar



Boil some water, and cover the peony petals. The petals will wilt down instantly, and emit a scent that isn’t appetising at all. Let the petals steep for at least six hours, or if possible overnight.

Sterilize some jars.


Strain the peony tea through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth, It isn’t necessary to press the petals to extract the last bit of moisture. The liquid is a light yellow-green. You could add a few drops of food colouring, if you wished too, but not just yet give it some time to develop into a soft colour.

Add the juice of one large lemon. Sieve out the pulp for a truly clear result. As soon as the acid hits the peony tea, it changes from a sickly green to a pinkish-orange.


Bring the mixture to a boil.

Whisk in a package of pectin, and skim any foam from the surface.

Bring it back to a boil, then add your sugar.

Whisk again, then bring it to a full boil for one minute. if you haven’t made jelly from a pure liquid before, you’ll think your mixture is too thin. Resist the urge to add more pectin.

Pour into jars and seal.
